De acordo com um comunicado publicado no site oficial do Queen, Taylor fez "sutis alterações" nos versos da canção. Ainda segundo a mensagem, o músico não fará novos pronunciamentos sobre o assunto por enquanto, já que "a letra original fala por si".
Murdoch é um dos protagonistas do escândalo envolvendo grampos telefônicos praticados por jornalistas do grupo “News Corp”. Nesta terça (19), ele foi alvo de uma torta de espuma enquanto prestava depoimento numa comissão do Parlamento britânico. Ele pediu desculpas pela espionagem, mas disse que não vai renunciar às suas empresas, pois também se sente traído.
Veja a letra alterada da canção "Dear Mr. Murdoch":
"Dear Mr. Murdoch, what have you done
With your news of the screws and your soaraway sun?
You sharpen our hatred
You've blunted our minds
We're drowning in nipples and bingo and sex crimes
How many time must they poke and they pry
Must they twist and lie?
Just to add to the grime they even screwed up the times
Love to kick their arse goodbye oh wouldn't i!
Dear Mr. Murdoch you play hard to see
But with your bare-arsed cheek you should be on page three
And dear Mr. Murdoch you're really the pits
Bad news is good business, you're the king of the tits
They stain all they touch, they're real woman haters
But we're on their trail
They go straight for the lowest common denominators
How could they fail? go straight to jail - (no bail)!
Dear Mr. Murdoch you're a powerful man
You control half our media whose lifeblood is scam
And dear Mr. Murdoch we're not so amused
Just line up the people whose lives they've abused
And dear Mr. Murdoch you come down from on high
You even bought up the air waves, you control all our sky
Dear Mr. Murdoch where are you coming from?
Getting so hard to tell if you're a yank, oz or pom
Dear Mr. Murdoch you're really the pits
Bad news is good business, you're the king of the tits"
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